Paula Vicente Puiggròs
1997, Barcelona
I’ve always thought my artistic work as a method to rethink our everyday
life through something material and touchable. Most of my projects revolve arround how are we inhabiting the world we live in, and how are we related with life and ecosistems that conform it.
I act within the artistic field because it is here where I’ve found the space to put in doubt the established knowledge. My aim is to make work from outside the frames of definition to look for a different point of view, to rethink the ordinary, what it is already there. Something that could lead us to touch us from the edges.
I attempt to find subversion into collective thinking and I work with nearby materials so as to produce a work which aims not to answer but to open the question, to let space for doubt.
Paula Vicente Puiggròs is a visual artist from Barcelona. She holds a degree in Fine Arts from the University of Barcelona and a Master of Fine Arts at KASK, Gent, Belgium.
Among others, she has won a complete grant in Can Serrat, el Bruc, a research grant Deslocalitzacions (EART i Es Far Cultural) or a production grant with Sala d’Art Jove.
She has participated in different exhibitions and festivals at Spain, Italy and Belgium. Her work has been shown at Nau Estruch, Sabadell (ES), Tocar-se a mig camí, Menorca (ES), Ecoss Tardor, Fabra i Coats, (ES), Embroglio, Het Paviljoen, Gent (BE), or Sala d'Art Jove, Barcelona, (ES).
She also has done residencies in different locations as CACiS (2023), Nau Estruch, Sabadell (2023), Es Far Cultural, Mernoca (2022) Kovent Zero, Berga (2021), Experimentem amb l’Art, Barcelona (2021), and El Bòlit, Girona (2020), where she has participated in different workshops, open studios and other activities.
Paula Vicente Puiggròs és artista visual de Barcelona. La seva pràctica gira al voltant de preguntes sobre com habitem i ens relacionem amb el món i els ecosistemes que ens envolten, repensar des d’allò quotidià per obrir preguntes, deixar lloc al dubte. Graduada en Belles Arts a la Universitat de Barcelona i Màster d’Arts Visuals per la Kask School of Arts de Bèlgica. També ha realitzat el curs d’Art sonor: concepte, edició, grabació, (Escola Massana, 2021) i Kalidoscopi, Agents articuladors entre Art i Educació (EART, 2019).
Ha participat a diferents festivals i exposicions a Catalunya, Bèlgica i Itàlia. Els seu treball s’ha pogut veure a Now, Nau Estruch, Sabadell (2023), Tocar-se a mig Camí, Menorca, Spain (2022), Ecoss Tardor. Fabra i Coats, Barcelona (2022), Embroglio, Het Paviljoen, Gent, Belgium (2022), o De aquellos polvos, estos lodos, Sala d’Art Jove, Barcelona (2021), entre altres llocs.
Recentment guanyadora de la beca complerta de residència a Can Serrat, El Bruc, va obtenir la beca de producció d’Art Jove 2021. També a realitzat diverses residències arreu de Catalunya i Balears a espais com Konvent 0, CACiS, El Bòlit, Nau Estruch, Casa d’Artistes, pròximament a Can Serrat o Experimentem amb l’Art, on treballa també com a educadora.